A New Octavius Winslow Biography? Maybe.

I wanted to kindly ask the readers of the blog to please consider praying for a project that I am considering.

When I first established this site and drew up my “mission statement”, one of the goals was to write as detailed of a biography as possible on Octavius. Back then, I knew absolutely nothing on the man and there was just as much on the internet available. With a lot of hard work and many invested hours and headaches, the site has blossomed considerably and the online presence of Winslow has increased drastically. Of which I am so thankful to God for!

With so many new believers becoming turned onto his works, I am at a point now where I think it may, it may, just be possible to write that biography.

Realistically speaking, it would be no substantial book. A rough calculation shows it might at most be a 100 page book…if that. But with the timing of the new found public interest, my contact with a direct descendant of Octavius who has done tremendous work in searching out her family history, the encouragement of my ever supportive wife Rhoda, and the encouragement of the paper written by Tanner Turely entitled “THE EXPERIMENTAL HOMILETIC OF OCTAVIUS WINSLOW: APPLYING DOCTRINE TO LIFE” has found me in a place where I now see that if this biography is ever going to happen, it would probably be now and with me writing it.

So….what am I getting at?

I would covet your prayers at this time from you that the Lord would drive it home for me to set out on this project. That it would both become crystal clear to me that this project is indeed for me to set out on and that He would give me the grace, knowledge, and strength to write it.

Truthfully speaking, I am scared to death and am ill equipped to write it. I am not a writer (I’m a dog groomer) and have absolutely no idea whatsoever how to even begin contemplating how to start a biography! But, with that being said, I know God likes to use weak vessels to do great and impossible things with.

Much appreciated!

Soli Deo Gloria

7 thoughts on “A New Octavius Winslow Biography? Maybe.

  1. I say go for it. If the book is meant to be, and you are to write it, nothing can stop God’s plan and purpose for this. Just keep doing what you’re doing and leave yourself available. The fact that you are a dog groomer and not a professional writer qualifies you exactly for this undertaking. Rarely does God use professional speakers as preachers, professional writers as devotionalists. In fact, it’s almost always the opposite: the weak and unlearned in the service of God confound the intelligent and strong of this world. Just be patient, and desiring of His will to be done.

  2. I agree with everything Paul has said. When God puts a vision in your head & It won’t go away you can be pretty sure he is trying to tell you something! I have dreams which seem impossible in the natural but if that’s what God wants then you can be sure it will happen!

    You go ahead & write Winslows biography. I look forward to reading it.

    God bless you, Maureen.

  3. Sounds great! I’d love to read it! By way of encouragement, a few years ago I began compiling info about my favorite Puritan, Jeremiah Burroughs. When I considered writing a biography, I figured I’d get maybe 100 pages max. One Puritan scholar told me there wasn’t enough out there for a book-length biography. But after much research, it appears the book (due out this Spring by RHB) will likely be over 250 pages! I think a Winslow biography’s a great idea, and I encourage you to (prayerfully) go for it!

  4. Matthew,

    If you continue to pray about it, God WILL show you what he wants done. I can’t say God wants you to write this biography because only God knows that. Just make sure you let the Holy Spirit guide you to do it and not your own desire to do it.

    If you do that, you will never go wrong. If God wants you to write this biography, there will be nothing in this world to stop it. I do agree that your background has nothing to do with the outcome. God does use weak vessels for his purposes so that he may get the Glory.

    I will be praying for you that the Holy Spirit will guide you in everything. This site has been a blessing to me. I had never heard of Octavius Winslow before visiting here.
    He was a true man of God and I love reading his writings.

    Thanks for all you do Matt

    Brother in Christ

    Rocco T

  5. And I will pray too. Look at how far you have come with this blog…and how many people you have blessed! I pray that God will give you all that you need to undertake this bigger project – and that it would be very clear to you that you should take it on if that is His will – and for His blessing on you and your family at this time.

    Thanks too (off this topic) for the Help Heavenward notes. I ended up not keeping up due to one thing and another but have started reading it again and am loving it.

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