New Blog Badge

I’ve whipped up another blog badge for anyone who might be interested in using it on their own website or personal blog to help promote The Octavius Winslow Archive.

To obtain the badge in various sizes, just click here and select the size that would work best for your needs.

As always, I thank everyone one of you who has helped spread the word about this site and have directed others here! You are truly an encouragement to me!


Winslow Desktop Image

I have no idea who else might be interested except someone like me, but here’s a snapshot of my desktop featuring the mug of a certain Mr. Winslow.

If you would like the image for your own use, and I honestly cannot imagine why you would, it can be found in this photo set.

And if you’re really geeky, the flip clock can be found here and the Mac-like icon stack at the bottom can be found here.

Winslow’s Paternal Grandparents

Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Winsolw (Jemina Debuke), * 1773 * John Singleton Copley, American, 1738–1815. MFA, Boston